We’ve shared before why it’s important to keep swim lessons going even after the summer months are gone, but did you know that winter is actually a perfect time for kids to even start swim lessons, and embrace learning water safety life skills? Here are some more tips about kids swimming safety in the winter months.
The Beauty of Indoor, Heated Pools
If you’ve been thinking about enrolling your little one in swim classes but holding off until the warmer months, we encourage you to rethink! Water safety for toddlers isn’t only important in summer it’s a necessity year-round. What’s more, swimming indoors in a heated pool gives kids a wonderful way to burn off extra energy in a safe environment when it might be too cold to go play outside. By keeping kids physically active, you also keep them mentally engaged and healthy.
Fast-Forward Six Months
Another way to think about this is to consider where your child will be the time next summer rolls around. If you wait to get them swimming or pause their current lessons, you’ll lose a few months - or possibly half a year - in terms of progress and skills. Then when it’s summertime and your child’s exposure to pools, water parks, lakes, and beaches increases, they won’t be anywhere near as far in their swimming journey as they could have been.
We recommend year-round, half-hour weekly lessons to keep kids building on what they learn, gaining comfort and embracing water safety. By giving your kids a fun and active outlet like swimming in a safe environment during the cold winter months, you’ll find yourself with better, safer and more confident swimmers come next summer. And in the meantime, they’ll have a blast, stay active and be proud of all they’re accomplishing. If you’d like to enroll your child today, please contact us!