When you’re eager to help your little ones learn to swim, you want to give them every advantage possible. You’ve likely heard that certain swim “props” (like floaties and water wings) are actually dangerous and not recommended. So, are there any types of gear that your young swimmer can use to their benefit? The answer is yes – swimming goggles. Here’s some more information about how to use them in order to help your child swim safe.
In the Bath
If your infant or toddler is just starting to get comfortable in the water, introduce goggles to them in the bath. Young children are used to being in the water during bath time, so they’re already comfortable in this environment. When you show them swimming goggles for the first time, let them explore and use them however they wish. Before ever trying to strap them onto your baby’s face, allow them the freedom to splash, dunk, and play with the goggles. You can also show your child how the goggles would look on you by holding them up to your face. Sometimes seeing Mom or Dad using a new ‘toy’ can help a child feel even more relaxed with the object. The key here is to encourage exploration and never force the goggles on your child.
During Swimming Lessons
When kids are young, the primary focuses of swim classes should be on increasing their safety and comfort in the water. Because of this, goggles are best used intermittently so children don’t become reliant upon them. Swimming goggles can add a fun and helpful element to class, when used as a way to encourage proper form. For instance, a swim instructor might invite a child to wear them and say, “look down at my toes” while teaching kids to keep their face and eyes in the water. By using goggles sometimes and not others, kids learn to swim safely and keep their bearings with or without this visual aid.
At Home
If you and your child are swimming together outside of swim class, whether in your own pool or a friend’s, goggles can be used as the means to exploration and fun. Put your child’s swimming goggles on (and your own) and have an underwater adventure, in which you both seek out hidden “treasures.” Or wear your goggles and splash up a storm. Another benefit to using goggles at home is that they can spare your child’s eyes from redness and irritation. Sometimes swimming can cause eyes to become agitated, and swimming goggles limit the amount of water that little eyes are exposed to. But just like when you’re first introducing goggles to your child in the bath, you never want to force them on your child during at home play.
Goggles can be a safe and fun addition to bath time, swim class, or swimming pool play. Contact us to learn more about using swim goggles for safer swim, or to hear about the classes we offer - we’d love to hear from you!