As a new parent, you love watching your little one grow and develop, the changes all happen so fast! Each day brings new skills and excitement as your baby discovers the world around them. With this comes the exciting challenge of finding new and creative ways to bond with your baby. Parenting.com suggests spending as much time as possible with your newborn to develop a level of trustworthiness, but as a new parent this can be challenging if you don’t know where to start. Here are some different ways to develop a better bond with your little one.
Bond with Baby Through Exercise
There are many groups within your community that offer mommy and me or daddy and me classes that help you not only exercise your body, but also bond with your baby. If you go to your local park on any given weekend, you will likely see groups of moms doing various activities, like mommy and me yoga or a stroller class. Many yoga classes for moms encourage holding your baby during the class, which not only gives you some extra weight to tone your muscles but also gives you an incredible time to bond with your little one. Stroller classes are great bonding activity as well since they give you the opportunity to get baby acclimated to new surroundings, while also allowing you to meet new mommy friends and enjoy time outside with your baby. Another form of exercise for you and your little one is infant swim lessons. By getting your little one in the water at an early age, you are helping them gain a valuable life skill. If you live in an area where pools are prevalent, you will want to introduce your baby to water at an early age. Baby swim lessons are a great way for your baby to develop cognitive skills and to also become comfortable around water.
Bond with Baby Through Education
If exercise isn’t your favorite way to bond with your baby, there are still plenty of ways to encourage a close relationship with your little one. Many communities offer various classes that are fun and educational for baby. Baby art classes and music classes are increasingly popular and highly encouraged. These baby classes give you an opportunity to introduce your little one to new sounds and concepts that may not be accessible at home. This is also a great time to develop relationships with other new parents and foster relationships among your growing infants. Kindermusik is a great opportunity for you and your little one to bond. There are many different levels to encourage development and appeal to your child at their age level, and your child has an opportunity to engage in a developmental activity.
Bond with Baby Through Exploration
If group activities do not appeal to you, there are still plenty of ways for you to bond with your child while getting out and about. Most libraries offer a children’s reading circle once a week, which is a great chance to introduce your little one to books and storytelling. If your local library does not offer these classes, you can still take your baby to the library and enjoy some (mostly) quiet time reading together. Reading to your child is an incredible opportunity to bond, not only do they get to hear your voice, but they get to snuggle in your lap while you spin a fascinating tale. You can also take your child to your local park and enjoy an hour just observing. Babies take in a lot of new information every day, and it’s important to give them stimulating ways to develop their brains. Allow them to simply observe nature at a park, or watch other children play. They are constantly processing the world around them, so while something may seem simple for you, your little one is processing the world around them 24/7. You can also try activities like zoos, aquariums, or arboretums to give your baby the opportunity to explore the world around them.
Regardless of the activity that you choose, find what best works for you and your little one. Developing a healthy and nurturing bond between you and your baby is so important, and can be attained in many different ways. Please contact us today for more information on how baby swimming lessons are a great way to bond with your infant.